- Record ID:
35974946 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
- Authority type:
- LC number:
- Heading:
- Used for:
- Clergyman of South Wilts, 1806-1893
- Mozley, Thomas, 1806-1893
- Notes:
- A dissection of the queries on the amount of religious instruction and education ... 1838 t.p. (a clergyman of South Wilts.)
- His Remin. chiefly of Oriel College and the Oxford move [MI], 1979 t.p. (T. Mozley)
- LC in OCLC, 7/17/86 (hdg: Mozley, Thomas, 1806-1893; usage: T. Mozley)
- Local system number:
- (AuPaJTL)22748
- abv06041860
- 000000980567
- Cataloguing source:
- Authentication code: