- Record ID:
35949177 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
- Authority type:
- LC number:
- Heading:
- Birth:
- Death:
- Occupations:
- Used for:
- Keltie, J. S. (John Scott), 1840-1927
- Keltie, John Scott, Sir, 1840-1927
- Keltie, John Scott, 1840-1927
- Notes:
- His The position of geography in British universities, 1921: t.p. (Sir John Scott Keltie)
- LC data base, 1/11/88 (hdg.: Keltie, John Scott, Sir, 1840-1927)
- Local system number:
- 000000954697
- abv01890625
- (AuCNL)326271
- Cataloguing source:
- Authentication code: