Robert Potter wrote The germ growers under the joint pseudonym Robert Easterley and John Wilbraham; the British edition was issued under his own name.
The relation of ethics to religion, 1888: title page (Robert Potter)
The germ growers : the strange adventures of Robert Easterly and John Wilbraham / edited by Robert Potter. London, 1892.
The germ growers : an Australian story of adventure and mystery / by Robert Easterley and John Wilbraham. Melbourne, 1892.
Obituaries Australia (online) 14 June 2021: (Robert Potter, Church of England clergyman; born 18 October 1831, Louisberg, County Mayo, Ireland [now Louisbourg]; died 12 July 1908, South Yarra, Victoria. He came to Australia and was ordained priest at Geelong in 1860.He was made recor of St. Mary's, North Melbourne, in 1865, remaining until appointed to All Saints' East St. Kilda in 1893. He was lecturer in theology for Anglican clergy candidates until 1905, and one of the founding managers of the Australian College of Theology. He published several books of theology and sermons, and the novel The Germ Growers.)