- Record ID:
35894751 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
- Authority type:
- LC number:
- Heading:
- Used for:
- Judson, Edward Z. C. (Edward Zane Carroll), 1822 or 3-1886
- Judson, E. Z. C. (Edward Zane Carroll), 1822 or 3-1886
- Author of The ocean queen, 1822 or 3-1886
- Ocean queen, Author of the, 1822 or 3-1886
- Judson, Edward Zane Carroll, 1823-1886
- Notes:
- His The mysteries and miseries of New Orleans, 1848 t.p. (Ned Buntline)
- His Clarence Rhett, 1866 t.p. (Edward Z.C. Judson (Ned Buntline))
- His Magdalena, the outcast, 1866 t.p. (E.Z.C. Judson, alias Ned Buntline)
- His The red trail, 1870 t.p. (Author of The ocean queen)
- American authors 1600-1900, 1938 (Judson, Edward Zane Carroll (Ned Buntline); b. 3/20/1823 or 8/16/1822; d. 7/16/1886)
- LC data base, 8/28/84 (hdg.: Judson, Edward Zane Carroll, 1823-1886; usage: Ned Buntline (E.Z.C. Judson))
- Local system number:
- (AuCNL)889447
- 000000900008
- abv05753647
- Cataloguing source:
- Authentication code: