The National Library of Australia is replacing the infrastructure that supports the Australian National Bibliogaphic Database (ANBD) in 2025. From 27 March - mid-April direct cataloguing to the ANBD will be unavailable. The Trove Partners Cataloguing tool will be released in mid-April. More information is available on the Trove Partners learning hub.
Frazer, J. G. The illustrated golden bough, 1978 (a.e.) t.p. (Sabine MacCormack) jacket (Oxford, D.Phil, religion and paganism)
Her Religion in the Andes, c1991: CIP t.p. (Sabine MacCormack) pub. info. (Sabine G. MacCormack; b. 02-24-41 in Frankfurt)
Concise encyclopedia of Greek and Roman mythology, 1969: title page (Sabine G. Oswalt)
Wikipedia 8 September 2022: (Sabine MacCormack (February 24, 1941–June 16, 2012) was a German-American historian of Late Antiquity and Colonial Latin America. She was born in Hamburg, Germany; she studied in Germany until 1961, then moved to the University of Oxford (B.A. 1964) and obtained a diploma in artchives from the University of Liverpool (1965) and worked at the University of Sydney until 1967; then in Glasgow with the publisher William Collins and afterwards with Phaidon Press (including several translations), and obtained her doctorate (D.Phil, Oxon, 1974). She then worked at various universities in the U.S. and in 2003 was appointed to a professorial chair in classical studies and history at the University of Notre Dame. She died at home. She was a prolific author and inspiring teacher.)