Huber, U. Praelectionum juris civilis libri tres ... Acsedunt Christiani Thomasii ... additiones, 1838-39.
MdU/G-K files (usage: Dn. Christ. Thomasio)
Bühler, C. Die Naturrechtslehre und Christian Thomasius (1655-1728), 1991: p. 1 ((Thomas) Christian Thomasius)
Deutsches Pseudonymen-Lexikon, 1961 (Andersohn Holsatus. Jacob (1689, 1691)--Thomasius, Christian)
Thomasius, Christian, 1655-1728. Jacob Ander Sohn, Holsati, Send-Schreiben aus Hamburg an einen vornehmen Freund, von den Leipzigischen Collegiis Biblicis, und daher so genanten Pietisten, 1689.
OCLC August 11, 2009 (hdgs.: Andersohn, Jacob; Anderson, Jacob; usage: ... Jacob Ander Sohn, Holsati)
Wikipedia 12 April 2020: (Christian Thomasius (1 January 1655 – 23 September 1728) was a German jurist and philosopher. He was born in Leipzig, and obtained his doctorate in law at the University of Frankfurt (Oder) in 1679. and began practice as a lawyer, also professor of natural law; he taught in German rather than Latin. After accusations against his academic standing he moved to Berlin, then Halle where he helped found the university (1694). He worked to free politics and jurisprudence and academic life from control by theology.. He died in Halle.)