Promoting unity, 1989: CIP galley (Johannes Cardinal Willebrands; Cardinal Johannes Gerardus Maria Willebrands; b. Bovenkarspel, the Netherlands, 9-4-09; ordained priest 1934, cardinal 1969; president of the Secretariat for Christian Unity)
LC data base, 8-14-89 (hdg.: Willebrands, J. G. M.; usage: Jan Willebrands)
His Oecuménisme et problèmes actuels, 1969: t.p. (J. Willebrands)
His Bibel, ekumenik och sekularisering, c1968 (Jan G.M. Willebrands)
Problems before unity, c1962: t.p. (Msgr. J.G.M. Willebrands)
New York times WWW site, Aug. 7, 2006 (in obituary dated Aug. 3: Cardinal Johannes Willebrands; d. Tuesday [Aug. 1, 2006], Denekamp, Netherlands, aged 96; major figure in the Roman Catholic Church's efforts to improve relations with other Christians and with Jews)