In happier hours, 183-? caption (T.H. Bayly, Esq.)
The rose that all are praising, 183-? t.p. (Thos. Haynes Bayly) caption (T. Haynes Bayly)
Johnson's new universal cyclopedia, 1881, accessed online via Google Books, Mar. 11, 2015 p. 423 (Bayly, Thomas Haynes: an English littérateur, born in 1797 near Bath; composed plays, novels, and poems; best known by his very numerous songs; among them are "Oh no, we never mention her"; he died in 1839)
Wikipedia, Mar. 11, 2015 (Thomas Haynes Bayly (13 October 1797-22 April 1839) was an English poet, songwriter, dramatist, and miscellaneous writer)