Not the same as Country gentleman, fl. 1823 (nb2001010021)
DNB (Combe, William, 1741-1823)
Halkett & Laing (a country gentleman, William Combe)
Halkett & Laing (author of the Letter to a country gentleman, William Combe; A letter from a country gentleman to a member of Parliament is by William Combe)
His A letter from a country gentleman to a member of Parliament, 1789 (name not given)
His A letter from a country gentleman, to a member of Parliament, on the present state of public affairs, 1789 (name not given)
His Considerations on the approaching dissolution of Parliament, 1790 t.p. (the author of the Letter to a country gentleman)
His The History of Johnny Quæ Genus, the little foundling of the late Doctor Syntax, 1903 t.p. (the author of The three tours)
LC manual auth. cd. (hdg. Combe, William, 1742-1823. Montgomery, F. The birth and parentage of William Combe (in Notes and queries, Apr. 12, 1941, p. 254-257) cites wills, marriage compacts, and death and birth entries in the registers of St. Alban's Parish, London, establishing that Combe was born in London on March 25th, 1742 and baptized April 16th)