- Record ID:
35795363 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
- Authority type:
- LC number:
- Heading:
- Used for:
- Salmond, Stewart Dingwall Fordyce, 1838-1905
- Salmond (Stewart Dingwall Fordyce), Professor, 1838-1905
- Salmond (Stewart Dingwall Fordyce), Rev, 1838-1905
- Notes:
- His An exposition of the Shorter catechism, 18--? t.p. (Professor Salmond, D.D.; Aberdeen)
- OCLC database, 8/26/93 (hdg.: Salmond, S. D. F. (Stewart Dingwall Fordyce), 1838-1905; usage: S.D. Salmond; S.D.F. Salmond; Rev. Salmond)
- Local system number:
- (AuPaJTL)37752
- abv08959481
- 000000800101
- Cataloguing source:
- Authentication code: