Not the same as: Thomas, active approximately 1170; or: Thomas, of Kent, active 12th century-13th century.
His Le roman de Tristan ... 1902-1905.
Enc. Brit., micr., c1978, v. 4, p. 648 (Thomas of Brittany; 1160-70)
Tristan et Yseut, 1994: t.p. (Thomas D'Angleterre)
Wikipedia, March 22, 2017 (Thomas of Britain; a poet of the 12th century; he is known for his Old French poem Tristan, a version of the Tristan and Iseult legend that exists only in eight fragments; it has been speculated that he is to be identified with the "Thomas" who wrote the Romance of Horn, but this is unsupported)
Oxford dictionary of national biography, via WWW, March 22, 2017 (Thomas [Tumas] (fl. 1170-1180), poet, was a Norman clerk, and author of a romance, Tristan, in which he names himself twice (as Thomas and Tumas) and whom his German imitator Gottfried von Strassburg (1210) calls 'Thômas von Britanje'. His romance survives in the form of ten fragments, drawn from six manuscripts; his language is not markedly Anglo-Norman and it is likely that he settled in England from Normandy; the Thomas (fl. c.1170), poet, who, as 'mestre Thomas', wrote the romance of Horn has, since Söderhjelm's demonstration in 1886, been distinguished from the author of Tristan. The linguistic evidence suggests that Thomas was an immigrant to England. Anglo-Norman features of his language are relatively slight and there are clear signs of south-western origin, suggesting that he or his parents originated in the Loire valley. He may have studied at Poitiers. He has some knowledge of English, and seems to know Brittany and Dublin)
BNF catalogue générale, viewed March 22, 2017 (Thomas d'Angleterre; Anglo-Norman poet; language: Old French; sex: male; birth: 12th century; death: 12th century; variant forms: Thomas de Bretagne; Thomas of Britain; do not confuse with: Thomas (11..-11.. ; author of Horn))
Medieval romance and material culture, 2015: page 205 (Thomas, author of the Romance of Horn, should not be confused with Thomas, the author of the Anglo-Norman Tristan, nor with Thomas of Kent (sometimes known as Thomas d'Angleterre), the author of the Anglo-Norman Alexander, written, like the Romance of Horn, in alexandrine laisses)
Online medieval sources bibliography, March 22, 2017 (Thomas fl. c. 1170 - 1170. This Anglo-Norman romance author, named only "Thomas," is a different person from Thomas, the author of the Anglo-Norman Tristan (before 1170).)
The invention of Middle English, 2000: page 217 (if the Thomas to whom we owe the French romance of Horn is not Thomas of Erceldoune, who then is he? Is he Thomas of Kent, author of the Roman de toute chevalerie? Is he Thomas of Britain, whose Tristan Gottfried von Strassburg translated into German in the thirteenth century, or the Thomas named in the second Douce fragment and the second manuscript fragment of Rev. M.W. Sneyd? Is he the author of an Anglo-Norman poem on the death of the Blessed Virgin and her interment in the valley of Josaphat? As we have already said elsewhere, we have no means of resolving these questions. However, if we had to choose between these writers ... we would commence by eliminating Thomas of Kent, because his Roman de toute chevalerie is in every way so inferior to Horn ... we would use the same argument in respect of the last of the Thomases we have enumerated ... There would then remain to us only Thomas of Britain and the Thomas of which the Douce and Sneyd manuscripts have preserved fragments; these two, and the person to whom we owe the romance of Horn, could well be one and the same person)