French, R. B. D. The Library of Trinity College, Dublin, 1954.
LCCN 32-34192: Royal Irish Academy. Library. Manuscript. 23D43. An old Icelandic medical miscellany, 1931 (hdg.: Dublin. University. Library)
LC data base, 10-29-84 (hdg.: Dublin. University. Library; usage: Library of Trinity College; Trinity College Library)
Trinity College Dublin LIbrary, via WWW, 3 June 2014 (The Library's history dates back to the establishment of the College in 1592 and it is the largest library in Ireland; today it has over 6 million printed volumes with extensive collections of journals, manuscripts, maps and music reflecting over 400 years of academic development. The most famous of its manuscripts are the Book of Kells and the Book of Durrow)