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Record ID:
35775775 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
Authority type:
Description conventions:
LC number:
Used for:
Bibesco, G.-V. (Martha), Princesse, approximately 1887-1973
Bibesco (Martha), Princesse, approximately 1887-1973
Bibesco, Marthe, approximately 1887-1973
Lahovary, Marthe, approximately 1887-1973
Bibesco, Marthe Lucie Lahovary, princesse, 1887-
Lahovary, Martha, approximately 1887-1973
Bibesco, Martha, approximately 1887-1973
Bibescu, Marth̦ei $d approximately 1887-1973
Bibescu, Martha, ca. 1887-1973
Brĕscu, M. Interferențe românești în opera Marthei Bibescu, 1983 t.p. etc. (Martha Bibescu) p. 6 (b. 1-28, 1886, 1887, or 1880)
LC data base, 5-3-85 (hdg.: Bibesco, Marthe Lucie Lahovary, princesse, 1887- ; usage: Martha Bibescu) LC manual auth. cd. (info: pseud., Lucile Decaux; variants: Marthe Bibesco)
Her Jurnal politic ianuarie 1939-ianuarie 1941, 1979 t.p. (Martha Bibescu) p. 8-11 (b. Martha Lahovary, married George-Valentin Bibescu) p. 34 (d. in Paris, Nov. 1973)
Diesbach, G. de. La princesse Bibesco, 1886-1973, c1986 t.p. (princesse Bibesco) p. 11 (Marthe Lahovary, b. Bucarest 1/28/1886, future Princesse Bibesco)
OCLC, March 23, 2001 (hdgs.: Bibescu, Martha, ca. 1887-1973; Bibescu, Marthe Lucie Lahovary, princesse, 1887- ; Bibesco, Marthe Lucie (Lahovary), "Princesse G.V. Bibesco", 1887- ; Decaux, Lucile, ca. 1887-1973; usage: Martha Bibescu; Marthe Bibescu; Princesse Bibesco; Principessa Bibesco; Prințesa Bibescu; Marth̦ei Bibescu; Princesse G.-V. Bibesco; Princesse G.V. Bibesco; Lucile Decaux)
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