- Record ID:
35764867 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
- Authority type:
- LC number:
- Heading:
- Used for:
- Ai-han-che, 1803-1851
- Aihanzhe, 1803-1851
- Kuo, Shih-lieh, 1803-1851
- Zentoku, 1803-1851
- Guetzlaff, Karl Friedrich August, 1803-1851
- Gutzlaff, Charles, 1803-1851
- Notes:
- His Journal of two voyages along the coast of China, 1833.
- Tung hsi yang kʻao mei yüeh tʻung chi chuan, 1997:t.p. (Ai-han-che) intro. (Kuo Shih-lieh; Karl Friedrich August Gützlaff)
- Local system number:
- abv05198752
- 000000769465
- (AuCNL)288810
- Cataloguing source: