Hopkins, William Bonner. Some points of Christian doctrine considered with reference to certain theories recently put forth by the Right Honorable Sir J. Stephen, 1849
Lectures on the history of France, 1851: title page (Sir James Stephen)
Essays in ecclesiastical biography, 1860 title page (the Right Hon. Sir James Stephen)
Wikipedia, 14 November 2016 (Sir James Stephen (3 January 1789 - 14 September 1859) was the British under-secretary of state for the colonies from 1836 to 1847. He was instrumental in implementing the slavery abolition act. In June 1849. In 1849 Stephen was appointed Regius Professor of Modern History at the University of Cambridge. He was born at Lambeth, and died in Koblenz, Prussia) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Stephen_(civil_servant)
ADB (online) 4 May 2020: (James Stephen, British civil servant. He commenced work at the Colonial Office in 1813 as a counsel. In 1834 Stephen was appointed assistant under-secretary in the Colonial Office, and in 1836 permanent under-secretary, holding this position until his retirement in 1847)