Angelo Mai, 1983: t.p., p. 66 (b. 3/7/1782) p. 155 (d. 9/9/1854)
LC data base, 5/14/85 (Mai, Angelo, Cardinal, 1782-1854)
De eligendo pontifice maximo, 1831: page viii (Angelus Maius)
Wikipedia 24 April 2020: (Angelo Mai (Latin Angelus Maius; March 7, 1782 – September 8, 1854) was an Italian Cardinal and philologist. He was born in Schilpario, Lombardy. In 1813 he became custodian of the Ambrosian Library in Milan, after some years of studying and teaching. In 1819 he became chief keeper of the Vatican library; in 1833 he became secretary to the Congregation of the Propaganda of the Faith; in 1838 he was made a cardinal. He died at Castel Gandolfo. His fame rests chiefly on his publication of portions of classical texts he recovered from palimpsests; as a text critic he was less successful.)