Catholic Church. Concilium Tridentinum (1545-1563 : Trento, Italy)
Catholic Church. Council of Trent (1545-1563 : Trento, Italy)
Council of Trent (1545-1563)
Concilio di Trento (1545-1563 : Trento, Italy)
Concilium Tridentinum (1545-1563 : Trento, Italy)
Konzil von Trient (1545-1563 : Trento, Italy)
Tridentskiĭ sobor (1545-1563 : Trento, Italy)
Trent, Council of (1545-1563)
Überholte Verurteilungen?, c1991 t.p. (Konzil von Trient)
Catholic encyclopedia, via WWW, 21 October 2011 (Council of Trent; 19th ecumenical council, opened at Trent 13 December 1545, closed 4 December 1563; main object was to respond to Protestant movement and to reform the Church)
Il Concilio di Trento, c2001.
Its Acta genuina s.s. oecumenici Concilii tridentini ... 1874.