Symbolik und Mythologie der alten Völker, besonders der Griechen, 1810-1812: Erster Band, title page (Friedrich Creuzer, Hofrath under Professor der alten Literatur in Heidelberg, des philologischen Seminars daselbst Director)
Herodoti Musae, 1832: title page (Fr. Creuzer)
Briefe Friedrich Creuzers an Savigny (1799-1859) , 1972.
M. Tullii Ciceronis De re publica, 1826: title page (Friderici Creuzeri annotatio)
Wikipedia 22 September 2022: Georg Friedrich Creuzer (German: 10 March 1771 – 6 February 1858) was a German philologist and archaeologist. He was born at Marburg, the son of a bookbinder. After studying at Marburg and Jena, he went to Leipzig as a private tutor; but in 1802 he was appointed professor at Marburg, and two years later professor of philology and ancient history at Heidelberg, for nearly 45 years apart from a short period in Leiden. Creuzer was one of the principal founders of the Philological Seminary established at Heidelberg in 1807. Amongst other works on culture and mythology he produced scholarly editions of Plotinus, a partial edition of Cicero, and other authors.)