- Record ID:
35627293 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
- Authority type:
- Heading:
- Used for:
- Zimbardo, Filip G’.
- זימברדו, פיליפ ג’.
- Notes:
- New York University; b. 3/23/33
- Non-Latin script reference not evaluated.
- Sarason, S. B. A longitudinal study of the relation of test anxiety, 1964 i.e. 1965.
- Discovering psychology [VR] c2001: end credits (series host, Philip Zimbardo, Ph.D., Stanford University)
- Psychology, 2008: t.p. (Philip G. Zimbardo, Stanford Univ.)
- BL database, 15 Feb. 2011 (hdg.: Zimbardo, Philip George; usage: Philip Zimbardo; Philip G. Zimbardo)
- Mavo le-psikhologyah, c2010: (פיליפ ג’. זימברדו = Filip G.’ Zimbardo)
- Local system number:
- Cataloguing source:
- Authentication code: