Record ID:
35617468 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
Authority type:
  • Name.
Description conventions:
  • rda
  • 18421223
  • Croydon, London, England
  • 1852 - 1867
  • 19291224
  • Norton, Hertfordshire, England
  • 1852 - 1867
Associated with:
  • Australia 1852 - 1867
Lived/located in:
  • 1852 - 1867
  • Painter Sculptor Poet Writer
Used for:
  • Cook, Margaret, 1842 or 1843-1929
  • Thomas, Margaret, approximately 1840-1929
  • Thomas, Margaret, ca. 1840-1929
  • Thomas, Margaret, d. 1929
  • Two years in Palestine & Syria, 1900 title page (Margaret Thomas)
  • Marjorie J. Tipping, 'Thomas, Margaret (1843–1929)', Australian Dictionary of Biography
  • Wikipedia, Apr. 22, 2013 (Margaret Thomas; born 23 December 1842; died 24 December 1929; English-born Australian travel writer, poet and artist. Thomas was born at Croydon, Surrey, England. Her date of birth is often cited incorrectly as 1843 and she was herself inconsistent about both her age and date of birth. It has also been discovered that she was originally named Margaret Cook and only later changed her surname to her father’s first name. She was brought to Australia by her parents in 1852 and studied sculpture under Charles Summers at Melbourne. In 1880 Thomas wrote a memoir of Charles Summers "A Hero of the Workshop", and in the same year completed a bust of him for the shire hall, Taunton. She began contributing verse to periodicals and in 1888 seven of her poems were included in Australian Poets. After travelling to the Middle East, Rome, etc., she and her long time companion Henrietta Pilkington settled in Norton, Hertfordshire where she died)
Local system number:
  • 000000621091
  • abv04747313
  • (AuCNL)65512
Cataloguing source:
  • ANL eng rda
Authentication code:
  • kin anuc