- Record ID:
35592257 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
- Authority type:
- LC number:
- Heading:
- Used for:
- Author of The diary of a physician, 1807-1877
- Diary of a physician, Author of The, 1807-1877
- Sharp, Gustavus, 1807-1877
- Barrister at law, 1807-1877
- Warner, Warren, 1807-1877
- Notes:
- His Ten thousand a year ... 1894.
- Peake, R.B. Ten thousand a year, 1842? t.p. (Author of The diary of a physician) [info from InU]
- His The opium question, as between nation and nation, 1840 t.p. (a barrister at law)
- Halkett & Laing (barrister at law, Samuel Warren)
- His The experiences of a barrister, 1852 t.p. (Warren Warner, Esq., of the Inner Temple)
- Local system number:
- (AuCNL)255794
- 000000595752
- abv00490679
- Cataloguing source:
- Authentication code: