Ency. Americana, c1975 (Wallace, William Vincent, Irish composer & concert artist, b. 3/11/1812; d. 10/12/1865)
His La Mexicana, 184-? t.p. (Wm. V. Wallace)
His Why do I weep for thee?, 185-? t.p. (W.V. Wallace)
His Why do I weep for thee?, 1850? t.p. (W. Vincent Wallace)
Wallace, W.V. Maritana, 18-- t.p. (Wm. Vincent Wallace)
Grove music online, Apr. 12, 2006 (Wallace, (William) Vincent; b. Mar. 11, 1812, Waterford, d. Oct. 12, 1865, Château de Haget, Vieuzos, Hautes-Pyrénées; Irish composer)
Australian jubilee waltz, 1838? t.p. (Wm. Wallace)
Australian dictionary of biography - online ed., viewed Oct. 11th, 2007 (In November 1835 he emigrated to Hobart Town ... went to Sydney in January 1836 and in Bridge Street opened the first Australian music school ... known as 'the Australian Paganini' ... in February [1838] he sailed secretly for Valparaiso, leaving debts of £2000 ... in 1850 he became an American citizen) http://www.adb.online.anu.edu/biogs/A020517b.htm