Mârûta, Saint, Bishop of Martyropolis, active 5th century
Màrûtha, Saint, Bishop of Martyropolis, active 5th century
Marutas, Saint, Bishop of Martyropolis, active 5th century
Maruthas, Saint, Bishop of Martyropolis, 5th cent
Maruthas, Saint, Bishop of Martyropolis, 5th century
Maruta, Saint, Bp. of Maipherqat, active 5th century
New Cath. encyc., 1981 (Maruthas of Martryopolis; 5th cent.; Persian bishop of Martryopolis (modern Maipherqat); d. before 420; author of tractatus de haeresibus & Homilia in Dominican novam; may not have written Hypomnemata of Oriental Martyrs)
New Cath. encyc., 1981 (Maruthas of Martyropolis; 5th cent.; Persian bishop of Martyropolis (modern Maipherqat); d. before 420; author of tractatus de haeresibus & Homilia in Dominicam novam; may not have written Hypomnemata of Oriental Martyrs)
The canons ascribed to Mārūtā of Maipherqat, 1982.