- Record ID:
35562440 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
- Authority type:
- Description conventions:
- LC number:
- Heading:
- Birth:
- Death:
- Associated with:
- Occupations:
- Used for:
- Notes:
- A dictionary of Christian biography, 1994: t.p. (William C. Piercy, M.A. Dean and chaplain of Whitelands College, S.W.)
- LC in OCLC (hdg.: Piercy, William Coleman; usage: William C. Piercy)
- Wikidata in VIAF 31 July 2020: (William Coleman Piercy, 1868-1938)
- Crockford's clerical directory, 1908: (Piercy, William Coleman, Ilford. Hatfield Hall, Durham; B.A. (mathematics) 1889, L.Th. 1890, M.A. 1892; F.R.G.S. 1907.; priested 1892; curate St. M. Aldermary, London, 1907; priest-in-charge, U.C.M.A. Mission at Kota, Central Africa, 1903-1906)
- Local system number:
- Cataloguing source: