- Record ID:
35553410 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
- Authority type:
- LC number:
- Heading:
- Used for:
- Member of the Political Economy Club, 1780-1864
- Torrens, Robert, 1780-1864
- Notes:
- His An essay on money and paper currency ... 1812.
- His The economists refuted, 1808 t.p. (R. Torrens, Esq.)
- LC data base, 8-4-87 (hdg.: Torrens, Robert, 1780-1864; usage: R. Torrens)
- His The budget, 1844? t.p. (a member of the Political Economy Club) p. 85 (signed, R. Torrens)
- Local system number:
- (AuCNL)877715
- 000000556619
- abv00461855
- Cataloguing source: