staff tutor, Dept. Adult Education and Extra-Mural Studies, Leeds Univ.
His William Morris ... 1955.
His Beyond the cold war, 1982 CIP t.p. (Edward P. Thompson)
Exterminism and cold war, 1982 t.p. (Edward Thompson)
Objections and oppositions, 1994 CIP t.p. (E.P. Thompson) pub. data (Edward Thompson d. in 1993)
His Collected poems, 1999 t.p. (E.P. Thompson) p. 4 of cover (one of Britain's leading Marxist historian; essayist and journalist of political protest; also writes poetry) p. 9 (Edward Palmer Thompson; writer of the Cold War)
Illades, C. Breve introducción al pensamiento de E.P. Thompson, 2008 p. 17 (b. Feb. 3, 1924, Halifax, Yorkshire) p. 25 (d. Aug. 28, 1993, Upper Wick, near [actually in] Worcestershire)