Not without my child, c1996: t.p. (Rebecca Winters) BL AL sent 29 July 2003
Her Home to Copper Mountain, c2003: t.p., etc. (Rebecca Winters) p. [2] (also author of Another man’s wife) |u
Rebecca Winters, the "Harlequin Valentine" website, Sept. 24, 2003 about the author page (first novels were By love divided and The loving season, both published under her real name Rebecca Burton; has four children and three grandchildren; r. in Salt Lake City) entire library page (A daddy for Christmas, Home to Copper Mountain, Another man’s wife, Not without my child, Rescued heart, etc.)
Harlequin web site, June 2, 2010 Rebecca Winters (born February 14, 1940 in Salt Lake City Utah ; B.A. in secondary education, history, French, Spanish at Univ. of Utah ; teaches junior and senior high school French and history)