His The history of the life and acts of the most reverend father in God, Edmund Grindal, 1710: t.p. (By J.S. M.A.)
Wikipedia 23 December 2024: (ohn Strype (1 November 1643 – 11 December 1737) was an English clergyman, historian and biographer from London. Born in Houndsditch, London,of a Huguenot family from Brabant, he studied at Jesus College and St. Catherine's Hall, Cambridge (B.A. 1665, M.A. 1669) and occupied the living of Leyton, and was lecturer at Hackney 1689-1724, where he lived until his death. He published extensive biographies and histories, collected into his Historical and Biographical Works 1812-1824 by Clarendon Press.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Strype