His Joan of Arc, 1855 t.p. (A. Soumet) [info from InU]
Saul, 1822 title page (par M. Alexandre Soumet)
BnF, 26 July 2017 (Soumet, Alexandre (1786-1845); French; male; born 1786-01-29 in Castelnaudary (Aude); died 1845-03-30 in Paris; poet and librettist; member of the Académie française (elected in 1824))
DNB, 26 July 2017 (Soumet, Alexandre, 1788-1845; male; French; writer; other names: Soumet, Louis Alexandre; Soumet, Louis-Antoine-Alexandre; Saumet, Alexandre (Vorlage))
Wikipedia, French, 26 July 2017 (Alexandre Soumet; Louis-Antoine-Alexandre Soumet was a French poet and playwright born in Castelnaudary (Aude) on 8 February 1786 and died on 30 March 1845 In Paris; birth also listed as 29 January 1786; father of Gabrielle Soumet)