The National Library of Australia is replacing the infrastructure that supports the Australian National Bibliogaphic Database (ANBD) in 2025. From 27 March - mid-April direct cataloguing to the ANBD will be unavailable. The Trove Partners Cataloguing tool will be released in mid-April. More information is available on the Trove Partners learning hub.
De Neufchâteau, Nicolas Louis François, comte, 1750-1828
François de Neuf Château, comte, 1750-1828
François de Neufchâteau, comte, 1750-1828
François de Neufchâteau, N. (Nicolas), comte, 1750-1828
Neuf Château, François de, comte, 1750-1828
Neufchâteau, Nicolas Louis François de, comte, 1750-1828
His Proposition adressée à la Société d'agriculture ... 1807: p. 15 (François de Neufchâteau)
MdU/G-k files (hdg.: François de Neufchâteau, Nicolas Louis, comte, 1750-1828; usage: N. François (de Neufchâteau); comte François de Neufchâteau; François de Neuf Château)