Author of The recreations of a country parson, 1825-1899
B, A. K. H. (Andrew Kennedy Hutchinson Boyd), 1825-1899
Boyd, K.H.A., 1825-1899
Recreations of a country parson, Author of The, 1825-1899
LC database, Nov. 25, 2008 (hdgs: Boyd, Andrew Kennedy Hutchinson, 1825-1899, Boyd, Andrew Kennedy Hutchinson, 1825-1899. [from old catalog])
Lessons of middle age, 1869 t.p. (by the author of The recreations of a country parson)
OCLC, Nov. 25, 2008 (hdgs: Boyd, Andrew Kennedy Hutchinson, 1825-1899 ; Boyd, K.H.A. ; most works published anonymously; usage: A.K.H.B.)
Oxford DNB, c2004 (b. 3 Nov. 1825, d. 1 Mar. 1899 ; minister of Church of Scotland ; wrote under the initials A.K.H.B. ; wrote Recreations of a country parson)