U, R. (Richard Uerstegan), approximately 1550-1640
V, R. (Richard Verstegan), approximately 1550-1640
Verstegen, Richard, approximately 1550-1640
Verstegan, Richard, ca. 1550-1640
Verstegan used a variety of pseudonymns and aliases; cf. Allison, A. F. The contemporary printed literature of the English Counter-Reformation.
Allison, A.F. The contemporary printed literature of the English Counter-reformation, 1994: v. 2, no. 758 (The copie of a letter "is signed by I.B. ... Really written in English [by Verstegan and others, Verstegan being the principal author]")
Bib. nat. (Verstegan, Richard, pseud. of Richard Rowlands)
BM (Verstegan, Richard, the Elder)
DNB (Rowlands, alias Verstegen, Richard, fl. 1565-1620; antiquary)
Grote Winkler Prins, 1954 (d. shortly after 2/26/1640)
Grote Winkler Prins, 1974 (Verstegen, Richard; b. London ca. 1550; d. Antwerp 1640)
Halkett & Laing, Dict. of anon. & pseudo. English lit., 3rd. ed., 1475-1640, 1980 p. 44 (The copy of a letter, lately vvritten by a Spanishe gentleman, to his freind in England is by Richard Verstegan and others)
His A declaration of the true causes, 1977 t.p. (Richard Verstegan)
His A restitution of decayed intelligence, 1634 t.p. (R.V.) pref. signed (Richard Verstegan)
His The copy of a letter lately vvritten by a Spanishe gentleman, to his freind in England, 1589 leaf E2r (I.B.)
InU/Wing STC files (usage: Richard Rowlands)
LC data base, 5/15/85 (hdg.: Verstegen, Richard, 1548 (ca.)-1640; usage: Richard Verstegan; Richard Rowlands)
NUC pre-1956 (Verstegen, Richard, ca. 1548-1640)
Pollard & Redgrave. A short-title cat. 1475-1640, 1986 vol. 1, p. 50, p. 612 (The copy of a letter, lately vvritten by a Spanishe gentleman, to his freind in England, 1589, is not a translation by I.B., but is fiact written by Verstegan and others)
Wikipedia, 30 May 2007 under Richard Rowlands (Richard Rowlands, circa 1550-1640, Anglo-Dutch antiquary whose real name was Verstegen, usually anglicized Verstegan)