His Vita di S. Stefano Minore, 1984 t.p. (Simeone Metafraste)
Krumbacher. (Symeon Metaphrastes; Symeōn ho Metaphrastēs, fl. 10th cent.)
Ēthikē kai thrēskeutikē enkykl. (Symeōn ho Metaphrastēs, fl. the second half of 10th cent.)
Die handschriftl. Überlieferung des "Georgius Continuatus" ... 1989 p. 1, etc. (manuscripts contain the phrase indicating it was continued by Logothetes; identified with Symeon Logothetes, who is most certainly the same as Symeon Metaphrastes)
Epitomon Enkyklopaidikon Lexikon, 1935 p. 2715-2716 (Simeon Metafrast; The principal compiler of saints' lives in the Byzantine Empire, who flourished during the middle of the 10th century. He put together a collection of saints' lives)
Trio Mediaeval. Soir, dit-elle [SR] p2004 insert (St. Simeon Metaphrastes; St. Simeon of Metaphrastes; 10th cent.)
Theophanes continuatus, 1838 p. 601 (Symeonis Magistri)