Crawford and Balcarres, Alex (Alexander), Earl of, 1812-1880
Crawford and Balcarres, Alexander, Earl of, 1812-1880
Lindsay, Alexander Crawford, Earl of Crawford, 1812-1880
Lindsay, Lord, 1812-1880
Crawford, Alexander William Crawford Lindsay, 25th Earl of, 1812-1880
Concise DNB (Lindsay Alexander William Crawford, 25th Earl of Crawford and 8th Earl of Balcarres (1812-1880))
His The earldom of Mar, 1882 t.p. (Alexander, Earl of Crawford and Balcarres, Lord Lindsay) p. iii (Lord Crawford)
LC data base, 7/9/87 (hdg.: Crawford, Alexander William Crawford Lindsay, 25th Earl of, 1812-1880)
MoSU-L/NLT files (hdg.: Crawford, Alexander William Crawford Lindsay, 25th earl of, 1812-1880; usage: Lord Lindsay, Alex., Earl of Crawford and Balcarres)