Ritson, J. Letters from Joseph Ritson, esq., to Mr. George Paton, 1829: t.p. (John Pinkerton)
LC data base, 9/14/84 (hdg.: Pinkerton, John, 1758-1826)
His Petralogy, 1811: t.p. (J. Pinkerton)
Esquisse d'une nouvelle classification de mineĢralogie, 1803: title page (M. Jean Pinkerton)
Tooley's dictionary of mapmakers, 1999-2004 (Pinkerton, John (1758-1826); born in Edinburgh, died in Paris; Scottish geographer, archaeologist, numismatist, historian, and author)
BNF in VIAF 15 April 2020: (Pinkerton, John 1758-1826; born in Edinburgh 17 Feb 1758, died in Paris 10 Mar 1826; also used the pseudonyms Robert Herron and H. Bennet)