His Kurtz gefaste Reformations-Historie der Dàˆnischen Kirche, 1734 t.p. (von Erico Pontoppidano, Predigern zu Hackenberg auf der Insul Alsen)
LC data base, 10-9-85 (hdg.: Pontoppidan, Erik, Bp., 1698-1764) manual cat. (hdg.: Pontoppidan, Erik, Bp., 1698-1764; usage in Danish: Erich Pontoppidan; variants: Erich Pontoppidon, Erick Pontoppidan, Erik Pontoppidan)
Wikipedia 4 Oct. 2012 (Erik Pontoppidan was a Danish author, bishop, historian and antiquary, born in Aarhus (on the eastern shore of Jutland) August 24, 1698; died in Copenhagen December 20, 1764)