Etica e pragmatica, c1987 t.p. (W. Pannenberg) p. 8 (Wolfhart Pannenberg)
His Die Prädestinationslehre des Duns ... 1954.
KB Web OPAC, Dec. 28, 2010 (Pannenberg, W. (Wolfhart Ulrich ; 1928-))
Wikipedia 19 Dec. 2013 (Wolfhart Pannenberg (born on October 2, 1928, is a German theologian. Since 1968 he has been Professor of Systematic Theology at the University of Munich. As of December 2008, his "publication page" on the University of Munich's website lists 645 academic publications to his name)
German Wikipedia, viewed Sept. 8, 2014 (Wolfhart Pannenberg; b. Oct. 2, 1928, Stettin; d. Sept. 4, 2014, Munich; German Protestant theologian)