Greek language Comparative linguistics Inscriptions, Linear B Palace of Knossos (Knossos) Minoans Civilization, Mycenaean
Classicists College teachers
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Palmer, L. R. (Leonard Robert), 1906-1984
Palmer, Leonard Robert, 1906-1984
Åström, P. Studies in Aegean chronology, 1984: t.p. (L.R. Palmer)
LC database, Oct. 27, 2014 (heading: Palmer, Leonard Robert, 1906- ; usage: Leonard R. Palmer [predominant form], L.R. Palmer, Leonard Robert Palmer)
Times (London, England), Aug. 29, 1984: p. 10 (Professor Leonard R. Palmer; b. Leonard Robert Palmer, June 5, 1906; d. Aug. 26 [1984], aged 78; professor of comparative philology at Oxford, 1952-1971; emeritus professor and emeritus fellow of Worcester; became known to a wider public for the vigorous part he played in the controversies over the dating of archaeological finds from Minoan Crete; started his academic career in 1931 as assistant lecturer in classics at Manchester; remained there until he joined the distinguished band of temporary civil servants who during the war did intelligence work at Bletchley; appointed to his Oxford chair after seven years as professor of Greek at King's College, London)
Zeller, E. Outlines of the history of Greek philosophy, 1931