For works of this author entered under other names, search also under Norton, Alice MaryNorth, Andre. For works of this author written in collaboration with Grace Allen Hogarth, search also under: Weston, Allen
Her Small shadows creep, 1974.
LC manual auth. ed. (Hdg.: Norton, Andre; b. Alice Mary Norton; name legally changed to Andre Norton; b.c. 1912; usage of Andrew North on 2 works [later reprinted under name: Andre Norton]; Allen Weston is pseud. of Andre Norton and Grace Allen Hogarth)
Her Sneeze on Sunday, 1992: t.p. (Andre Norton) t.p. verso (Allen Weston) 10, 2005 (Andre Norton; b. Feb. 17, 1212, Cleveland; d. Mar. 17, 2005, Murfreesboro, Tenn.)