WW in Amer., 1994 (Snyder, Gary Sherman; poet; b. San Francisco, May 8, 1930; prof. UC Davis, 1985-)
LC database, 11/3/1994 (hdg.: Snyder, Gary; usage: Gary Snyder)
Shan chi shih hsin, 1990 t.p. (Kai-jui Shih-nai-te=Gary Snyder)
UCDavis Univ. Lib. Website, Special Collections, Jan. 10, 2001 Synder, Gary S. (1930-). Papers (Biography: Pulitzer Prize winning poet, ecological activist, founder of the Ring of Bone Zendo, and member of the English Dept. fac. of UC Davis. Description: Manuscripts, correspondence, publications, audio tapes, and collected ephemera relating to poetry, ecology, Buddhism, and the poet's life in Japan and Calif.) finding aids/online finding aids database/UC Davis/Synder (Gary) Papers/Biography (b. May 8, 1930 in San Francisco, Calif.; completed an inter-departmental major in English literature and anthropology at Reed College, graduating with a B.A. degree in 1951; received the Pulitzer Prize for poetry in 1975 for his book Turtle Island) Scope and content (Mr. Snyder attracted many people interested in poetry, social change, Buddhism, environmentalism, alternative lifestyles, and bioregionalism. Included in the collection is extensive correspondence with Peter Coyote, Diane DiPrima, Lawrence Ferlinghetti of City Lights, Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac, Joanne Kyger, James Laughlin of New Directions, Denise Levertov, Michael McClure, and Philip Whalen.)