The National Library of Australia is replacing the infrastructure that supports the Australian National Bibliogaphic Database (ANBD) in 2025. From 27 March - mid-April direct cataloguing to the ANBD will be unavailable. The Trove Partners Cataloguing tool will be released in mid-April. More information is available on the Trove Partners learning hub.
Bulletin of the European Union. Supplement 1/95 t.p. (European Commission)
Yrbk. of Int. Org., 1994/95 (Maastricht Treaty changed name of Commission of the European Communities to European Commission; title formally adopted by Council of Ministers Nov. 9, 1993; Commission européenne)
Iudicium et vita, oct. 1994 t.p. (Comisión de la Unión Europea)
EF-avisen, 24. nov. 1993 p. 2 ("før: EF-Kommissionen, nu: Europa-Kommissionen")
Europa (Stockholm, Sweden), mars 1996 p. 2 of cover (Europeiska kommissionen)
Middle East Drug and Chemical Diversion Control Conference, [1996] t.p. (Commission for the European Union) p. [1] (European Commission (EC))
La via francigena, c1995 p. 3 (Commissione dell'Unione europea)
Occupational differences in Luxembourg, 1992 t.p. (CEC) cover (European Commission)
European network workplace health promotion, 1996 t.p. verso (Europäische Kommission)
Europese almanak, 96-97 t.p. (Europese Commissie) p. 35 (European Commission)
Les galeries d'art en France aujourd'hui, c1997 p. 4 of cover (Commission de l'Union européenne)
AGREP, c1994 t.p. (Commission of the European Union) spine (CEU)
Annual survey on the implementation and enforcement of Community environmental law, Jan. 2000 to Dec. 2001 t.p. (Commission of the European Communities) cover (European Commission)
Systēmata organōsēs kai dioikēsēs tēs dikaiosynēs stis chōres tēs Eurōpaikēs Henōsēs kathōs kai stēn Kypro, Voulgaria, Roumania kai Oungaria, 2003 t.p. (Eurōpaikē Epitropē)