LC data base, 12-21-83 (hdg.: Smith, Benjamin Eli, 1857-1913; usage: Benjamin E. Smith)
LCCN 11-31934: The Century dictionary and cyclopedia, c1911 (hdg.: Smith, Benjamin Eli, 1857-1913; variant: Benjamin E. Smith)
The Century cyclopedia of names, c1894 t.p. (Benjamin E. Smith, M.A.)
Wikipedia 22 February 2015 (Benjamin Eli Smith, L.H.D. (February 7, 1857 - March 18, 1913)[1] was an American editor and the son of Eli Smith. Born in Beirut, Ottoman Empire (now Beirut, Lebanon), he graduated from Amherst College (A.B., 1877; A.M., 1881), earning the degree of L.H.D. in 1902. He was managing editor of the first edition of the Century Dictionary, and editor-in-chief of the revised edition after the death of editor William Dwight Whitney in 1894, and other Century titles)