- Record ID:
35339333 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
- Authority type:
- LC number:
- Heading:
- Used for:
- McCulloch, John Ramsay, 1789-1864
- Mac-Culloch, G., 1789-1864
- M'Culloch, J. R. (John Ramsay), 1789-1864
- M'Culloch, John Ramsay, 1789-1864
- McCulloch, John Ramsay, 1789-
- Notes:
- His Principles of political science.
- His Delle successioni ai beni vacanti per morte, 1852 t.p. (G. Mac-Culloch)
- An inquiry into the nature and casues of the wealth of nations, 1850 t.p. (J.R. M'Culloch, Esq., member of the Institute of France)
- Report of the trial by jury of the action of damages for a libel in the Scotsman newspaper, 1823 t.p. (John Ramsay M'Culloch)
- Local system number:
- (AuCNL)876718
- 000000341077
- abv00299385
- Cataloguing source:
- Authentication code: