Author of the Essay on the principle of population, 1766-1834
Ma-êrh-sa-ssŭ, 1766-1834
מלתוס, תומס רוברט, 1766-1834
Essay on the principle of population, Author of the, 1766-1834
Malʹtus, Tomas Robert, 1766-1834
Malthus, Robert, 1766-1834
Malthus, Thomas Robert, 1766-1834
Marasasu, 1766-1834
Non-Latin script reference not evaluated.
Marukusu Engerusu Marusasu hihan, 1955 t.p. (Marusasu [surname in katakana])
National Library of Israel in VIAF, 8 June 2015 (access point: מלתוס, תומס רוברט,1766-1834)
nuc88-48868: His Investigation of the cause ... [MI] 1800 (usage on CtY rept.: Author of the Essay on the principle of population)
Oxford dictionary of national biography online, 18 September 2012 (Thomas Robert Malthus, political economist, born 13 February 1766, Wotton, Surrey, England; died 29 December 1834 at Bath, England)
Winch, D. Malthus, 1987 CIP galley (Robert Malthus)