- Record ID:
35318514 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
- Authority type:
- Description conventions:
- LC number:
- Heading:
- Birth:
- Death:
- Associated with:
- Fields of activity:
- Occupations:
- Used for:
- Macdonald, John Alexander, Sir, 1815-1891
- Notes:
- John A. lived here, 1984 p. 5 (John Alexander Macdonald (1815-1891), Father of Confederation and first Prime Minister of Canada)
- Martin, Ged. John A. Macdonald, Canada's first prime minister, ©2013
- Local system number:
- (AuPaJTL)483704
- 000000320145
- abv00283346
- (AuCNL)210044
- Cataloguing source: