Rampal, J.P. The art of the flute trio [SR] 198-? label (J.B. Lœillet)
His Three sonatas opus 3, nos. 10-12 (Priestman VIII) ... c1980 cover (John Lœillet of London)
Kučinskas, I. Senoji belgų ir italų muzika [SR] 197-? label (Ž.B. Lejė) container (Zh. B. Leĭë)
Corelli, A. Trio sonata d-Moll ... [SR] 1982 label (Ž.B. Leje) container (Zh. B. Loĭe)
Sonatas, c1964 t.p. (Lean Baptiste (John) Loeillet) pref. ( Mister John Loeillet, as he called himself on the t.p. of his printed works, was really called Jean-Baptiste Loeillet; b. in Ghent in 1680; lived in London from 1705 until his death on 19 July 1730, we called him Loeillet the Londoner to distinguish him from his cousin, eight years his junior, who referred to himself as Jean Baptiste Loeillet de Gant)