His Historical and statistical account of New South Wales, 1852.
Australian dictionary of biography (online), 10 April 2013 (John Dunmore Lang; born 25 August 1799 in Greenock, Renfrewshire, Scotland; died 8 August 1878; writer, newspaper owner, Presbyterian minister. He arrived in Sydney in 1823, already a minister; his parents and family followed in 1824, and his reputation as a polemical figure was soon established. He was very active in promoting educational opportunities, but also in controversy in pursuing this aim. He made return visits to Great Britain, aimed especially to recruit clergy, gain support for education, and recruit settlers, especially from Scotland. He was involved in long disputes with other Presbyterians in New South Wales, with the establishment and governance of St. Andrew's College at the University of Sydney, and with his position as senior minister at Scots Church. He died of a stoke on 8 August 1878.) https://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/lang-john-dunmore-2326