His A concise dictionary of Middle English ... 1888 t.p. (Rev. A.L. Mayhew, M.A., of Wadham Coll., Oxford)
OCLC, Aug. 1, 2003 (hdg.: Mayhew, Anthony Lawson, 1842- ; Mayhew, A. L. (Anthony Lawson), d. 1842; usage: A.L. Mayhew)
Oxford dictionary of national biography WWW site, 4 Nov., 2013 (Mayhew, Arthur Innes; the third son and sixth in the family of seven children of the Revd Anthony Lawson Mayhew (1842-1916), chaplain of Wadham College, Oxford, and a noted lexicographer of the English language) http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/63828?docPos=1
World biographical index 11, WWW, Aug. 1, 2003 (Mayhew, Anthony Lawson, 1842- ; chaplain)