- Record ID:
35270735 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
- Authority type:
- LC number:
- Heading:
- Used for:
- Kim Il Sung, 1912-1994.
- Kīm, Il Sūngh, 1912-1994.
- Sung, Kim Il, 1912-1994.
- Sūngh, Kīm Il, 1912-1994.
- 金日成, 1912-1994.
- 김일성, 1912-1994.
- Notes:
- Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army
- Record has non-Latin script (Korean).
- His Boj korejského lidu za jednotný, nezávislý demokratic stat, 1950.
- Kuo, X.H. Aung San, pʻi ŭi Iryoil, 1985 t.p. (Kim Il-song) cover (Kim Jl-sung [in rom.])
- LC special project memo, Feb. 6, 2006 (d. 1994)
- Local system number:
- 000000272101
- abv00248690
- (AuCNL)846316
- Cataloguing source:
- Authentication code: