Thematic index numbers used are those found in M.E. Paymer's Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, 1710-1736, a thematic catalogue of the Opera omnia; i.e. [Salve Regina, P. 76]
Faustini-Fasini, E. G.B. Pergolesi ... 1900.
His Li prodigi della divina grazia nella conversione e morte di S. Guglielmo duca d'Aquitania, 1986? cover (Giovan Battista Pergolesi)
Albrechtsberger, J.G. Kont︠s︡ert za t︠s︡ugtrombon i strunen orkestŭr v si bemol mazhor [SR] 1983? label (Dzh.B. Pergolezi) container (Dzhovani Batista Pergolezi)
Vivaldi, A. Salve Regina RV 616 [SR] p1987 label (Jean-Baptiste Pergolèse; Pergolèse)
His Pulcinella, c1966 t.p. (Giambattista Pergolesi)
Pergolesi, G.B. Missa (Kyrie et Gloria in excelsis Deo), 1805? cover (Giov. Batt. Pergolese)
Pergolesi, G.B. Twelve sonatas for two violins and a bass or an orchestra, ca. 1795 t.p. (Gio. Batta. Pergolese)
Pergolesi, G.B. IV cantatas, ca. 1770 t.p. (Geo. Battista Pergolese)
His Bella mia, c1904 (Giovanni Pergolesi)
Wikidata via Wikipedia, May 1, 2017 (sex or gender: male; Commons category: Giovanni Battista Pergolesi; place of birth: Jesi; place of death: Pozzuoli; cause of death: tuberculosis; date of birth: 1710-01-04; date of death: 1736-03-16; occupation: composer, organist; genre: opera; movement: Baroque music)